
Iranian stealth fighter Qaher F-313 Revealed - butlertworks1957

ir1On February 1, 2022, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the defense minister Ahmad Vahidi along with other government and defense team officials revealed a new aircraft known as the Qaher (Conqueror) F-313 to the humanity. Along with the suggestive of a untested battler, videos of the F-313 R/C model was shown flying along wind tunnel testing and other technical inside information were shown about the aircraft. Withal, in the last a few long time, there sustain been negotiation coming from Iran that they were developing a next-generation stealing hero to supplant their older fighters like the F-4D/E Phantasma II and F-5E/F Tiger Deuce from the Shah era and also to compete against U.S and Israeli fighters like the F-15, F-16, and the F/A-18 multirole fighters.

On to the design, the F-313 looks too be to a greater extent based sour the McDonnell Douglas X-36 UAV, McDonnell Little Giant original X-32 concept for the JSF program in the mid-1990's. Nevertheless, the mockup felt alike it was rushed unstylish most likely due political reasons with a mickle of things nonexistent the likes of the cockpit for exemplar is nonexistent a lot electronics and avionics the likes of the heads up display (HUD). Merely according to the Iranian officials, the Qaher will feature a great deal of "advanced radar surface-assimilative materials" and consider the aircraft easier to sustain. Wing project looks like it was based of the X-36 experimental UAV with exception of the downward winglets on with featuring canards and a V-formed tail aim. Its weapons capableness will included a number of foreign or indigenous made AAMs, AGMs, PGMs, bombs, rockets, and mayhap AShMs in which six will be carried in its weapons bay or on its wings. No more Bible was bring up about the cannon, but more likely IT will be feature film either a 20mm or 30mm gun. Despite the missing avionics and electronics, the Qaher will be fitted with radio detection and ranging, Housing and Urban Development, and other equipment and systems.

Spell the F-313 will be powered by one engine, but notwithstandin, there are no word which engine they will be using though for the aircraft. From some reports I hold readied sol far, that the engines can be either the Pratt &adenosine monophosphate; Whitney TF-30 that powers the Iranian's F-14 Tomcats or the RD-33 that as wel powers their MiG-29 Fulcrums. Also, extra reports points that the Qaher will also have thrust vectoring capability to, but I'm questioning virtually the ingestion intent though because of its elfin size of it. So far, what we know is that the F-313 is 16 meters at length with a maximum sendup weight at 20,000kg. The aircraft landing place will be confusable to the Su-25 Frogfoot which the IRIAF and IRGC forces. Qaher will besides be victimisation fly-by wire (FBW) technology which is not amazing considered aircraft pattern. Even though the aircraft is capable of supersonic speeds accordant to defense officials, but no word on what speed IT's susceptible of or scope and height. A couple other reports also reported that the Qaher is also settled off the HESA Shafaq multirole strike aircraft which was disclosed back in 2007, and even off though the Iranian military aforementioned the eccentric is under ontogeny, no word has been said about the aircraft since.

Even out despite the revealing of the Qaher F-313 a duo of days ago, but identical little is known about the aircraft and that is how much is believable since the Iranian government and subject area has an history of Photoshopping and videoshopping some of their military equipment for the last a few years. A distribute of debate among people on various military forums and defense reaction sites if the Qader is either an actual stealth fighter or a research aircraft system to U.S X-Planes explore aircraft. However, my personal issue with this revealing it's Sir Thomas More policy-making than anything because with the ongoing debate with Iranian thermonuclear program, Syrian Civil State of war, and the latest airstrikes happening a convoy and buildings in the Syrian border a few days ago by the Israeli Transmit Force successful the Iranians decided to revealed the aircraft as policy-making stunt. But the king-size question remains, will the Qaher F-313 ever fly operating theatre is it just a big political stunt to standoff away foreign tending from their nuclear course of study and other close issues that is going on in Persia.

What do you entertain Iran's accomplishment? Let US make out in the comment section

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